GRUND was born with a true and sincere desire to change the world. To live clean and preserve the earth’s pristine environment.

Celebrating over 25 years and 25 million rugs sold
Grund America, with Grund pronounced "Gruunt" (with your best German accent), was founded in 2014 by Jiri Grund in Charlotte, NC. Mr. Grund was and still is CEO of Czech-based Grund, which is one of the largest bath rug manufacturing and distribution businesses in Europe.
Today, under the leadership of Isabella Vasicko, Live Grund is committed to bringing beautiful, sustainable, and organic products to your home. Isabella's Czech heritage fuels her passion for the company, infusing it with a rich cultural essence that resonates with customers seeking quality and authenticity. Based in Charlotte, NC, Live Grund is a beacon of ethical and sustainable living.

Our Story, Our Promise
It began with a mission to raise awareness. To educate and be bountiful with our daily comforts because we truly believe the time is now and the vehicle for everyone. We envision a healthier world. One that has choices. One where its people are in control of what and how they live.
Live GRUND was launched fourteen years ago to create an intimacy with today’s consumer that was not yet obtained through traditional manufacturers. Our headquarters, in the beautiful Carolinas, was chosen due to its proximity to all things peaceful and pure. The beautiful mountains, pristine beaches and the heritage from small towns who have all gone on to inspire many of our collections served as the catalyst for a new kind of company. One that provides luxurious organic living while ensuring that conscious consumption is available to all. Live GRUND inspires our team to think beyond the boundaries and truly bring the best to everyone we touch.