New Good Weave Film Sheds Light On Child Labor

World Day Against Child Labor (WDACL) is June 12, 2021.
To commemorate this important occasion, as well as this UN-designated International Year for the Elimination of Child Labor, GoodWeave unveiled a brand new film titled “Fashion’s Hidden Supply Chain” on June 9th about their work to stop child labor in apparel supply chains in India.
Watch it here
The film is featured in the Fashion for Good museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands as part of the permanent collection. The three-minute video highlights the story of Muskaan, a 13-year-old girl and former child laborer, discovered by GoodWeave inspectors while working in a home-based, outsourced apparel supply chain in India. GoodWeave’s successful model of combating child labor helped transform the South Asian carpet industry, and now the same approach is being applied in apparel and other sectors.
At Grund, we are thrilled to support GoodWeave by sharing their #TellThemIMadeIt campaign, and amplifying their work in combatting child labor in supply chains.